• All Things Prayer

    Blog Posts on Prayer

  • Please send your prayer requests to yesuahsloveheals@gmail.com

    This was a prayer/interpretation between Sister Billye and Hannah, I was not able to catch word...
    Kenneth E. Hagin Prayer Seminar April 1983 Prophecies, Words of Wisdom and Prayers Tongues...
      The seer shall stand on the horizon of time and see that which God has planned and know its...
    INTERPRETED BY BILLYE BRIM - 1/5/22  PART ONE For years, you who are here and you who are...
    Pastor Sara’s Graduation to Glory - From Pastors Max & Quinn Pastor Sara went home to heaven...
    Max grew up Muslim in a Palestinian family that arrived in Jordan in 1948. He came to the United...
  • Re Current Events: What We Are Hearing For some months now, during our corporate prayer calls ...
    THE BLOOD DREW MY ATTENTION Again today the power there is in the blood of Jesus has been...
    The Assignment Debbie Smith Ministries invited us to attend the Volunteer State Prayer Assembly...
  • Billye Brim’s Parsonage

    Tuesday Evening

    April 13, 2021

    Alignment with the Assignment of God

    *The title of this message (Romans 8:29-30)


    Tongues - You entered a door of boldness.

    Tongues - Gives you sound of victory.

    Tongues - Overturned death’s assignment against your life.

    Tongues - Reverses demonic assignments against you.

    Tongues - You will receive God’s will for you.


    Tongues - Divine agreement of the prayer of our heavenly and earthly with the plans of God.

    *Through tongues, heaven and earth agree!

    **The Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


    Tongues - You will charge your spiritual gift.

    Tongues - We will confuse the devil.

    Jesus (7x)


    Tongues - Building strong anointing with God.

    Tongues - Builds your faith and belief.

    Tongues - Counsel, knowledge, and secrets (3x)


    *As we build our faith and believe, we will receive counsel, knowledge and secrets. **We commune with Him in the spirit.


    Tongues - That the wicked and satan cannot do anything about but to run away.

    Tongues - The devil says every morning, “Oh no, she is up again!”

    Tongues - She is up again!

    Tongues - He is up again!

    Tongues - They are up again!

    Tongues - Deep calling - go to deep.

    *Deep in God is saying go deep into God in yourself.

    **Corinthians 2.

    ***Spirit to spirit – Lord is telling us to “Go on!”

    Tongues - You tapped into the mind of God.


    Tongues - Releasing the winds of God to blow in your life.

    Tongues - Making demands upon the power of God

    *Holy Spirit IS the power.

    Tongues - Remove you from the flesh to God.

    *And to…the supply of the Spirit.

    Tongues - Supply of the Spirit (3x)

    *Philippians – Paul said I know you shall be delivered by my prayers and the supply of the Spirit.

    Tongues - You will have the fire of God in your life.

    Tongues - Cause great damage to the kingdom of darkness.

    Tongues - I’m giving you the power to use.

    Trust in Me..


    *In Hebrew, “Ruah” - the same word for breath and wind and spirit


    **The Holy Spirit told Sister Billye that if we ever feel this is waning, we should read Acts 2.


    ***We’re praying in the power that raised Christ from the dead!!!


    ****Kenneth Hagin – Many people are not the blessing they are to be to others because they do not build themselves up/edify themselves – by praying in the Holy Ghost.