All Categories - Yesuah's Love Heals
This comes under the heading of blessing. It comes with the definition of increase. Not only can...
December 25th, Christmas It shall begin on that date that the gifts that I have given to you,...
On November 3rd Pastor Max gave a prophetic word as follows: Change, Change. I made that change...
This was a prayer/interpretation between Sister Billye and Hannah, I was not able to catch word...
Kenneth E. Hagin Prayer Seminar April 1983 Prophecies, Words of Wisdom and Prayers Tongues...
The seer shall stand on the horizon of time and see that which God has planned and know its...
INTERPRETED BY BILLYE BRIM - 1/5/22 PART ONE For years, you who are here and you who are...
Pastor Sara’s Graduation to Glory - From Pastors Max & Quinn Pastor Sara went home to heaven...
Max grew up Muslim in a Palestinian family that arrived in Jordan in 1948. He came to the United...
Man of Destiny. Man of the Holy Ghost, in the Spirit. I’ve allowed you to see some things,...
2021年5月17日 ·
Re Current Events: What We Are Hearing For some months now, during our corporate prayer calls ...
2021年1月28日 ·
THE BLOOD DREW MY ATTENTION Again today the power there is in the blood of Jesus has been...
2020年10月14日 ·
The Assignment Debbie Smith Ministries invited us to attend the Volunteer State Prayer Assembly...
October 28, 2019 Vision I was sitting on a wooden bench looking at the Sea of Galilee. I was...
January 29, 2021 Vision I was standing in front of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. It...
January 20, 2021 Vision I was standing in the Oval Office and it appeared to be dawn. I...
January 29, 2021 Vision I was standing in front of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. It...